Journal of Materiomics Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Jing-Feng Li, Samuel S. Mao, Cewen Nan
Keyword: thermoelectric performance
Research paper | Open Access
Fabrication of free-standing flexible and highly efficient carbon nanotube film/PEDOT:PSS thermoelectric composites
Published: 30 May 2022
2022, 8 (6): 1213-1217
Open Access
Realizing high thermoelectric performance in hot-pressed polycrystalline AlxSn1-xSe through band engineering tuning
Published: 07 July 2021
2022, 8 (2): 475-488
Research paper | Open Access
Screening for new thermoelectric material: A semiconducting TaS3 with nanoporous structure
Published: 25 February 2022
2022, 8 (5): 1031-1037
Research Article | Open Access
Thermoelectric performance of Cu2Se bulk materials by high-temperature and high-pressure synthesis
Published: 08 December 2018
2019, 5 (1): 103-110
Research Article | Open Access
Intrinsically large effective mass and multi-valley band characteristics of n-type Bi2–Bi2Te3 superlattice-like films
Published: 06 December 2023
2024, 10 (3): 716-724
Research Article | Open Access
Clathrate structure of YB3C3 for high-performance thermoelectrics with superior mechanical properties
Published: 16 October 2023
2024, 10 (4): 783-791
Research Article | Open Access
Highly efficient and wearable thermoelectric composites based on carbon nanotube film/polyaniline
Published: 16 June 2023
2024, 10 (1): 173-178
Total 7