Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: field-effect transistor
Research Article
High-yield synthesis and liquid-exfoliation of two-dimensional belt-like hafnium disulphide
Published: 03 August 2017
2018, 11 (1): 343-353
Research Article
Suppression of leakage current in carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
Published: 01 December 2020
2021, 14 (4): 976-981
Research Article
Crypto primitive of MOCVD MoS2 transistors for highly secured physical unclonable functions
Published: 02 September 2020
2021, 14 (6): 1784-1788
Research Article
Performance Projection of Graphene Nanomesh and Nanoroad Transistors
Published: 21 January 2012
2012, 5 (3): 164-171
Research Article
NOR logic function of a bendable combination of tunneling field-effect transistors with silicon nanowire channels
Published: 09 December 2015
2016, 9 (2): 499-506
Research Article
Field-effect transistor with a chemically synthesized MoS2 sensing channel for label-free and highly sensitive electrical detection of DNA hybridization
Published: 09 May 2015
2015, 8 (7): 2340-2350
Research Article
Facile Fabrication of All-SWNT Field-Effect Transistors
Published: 02 April 2011
2011, 4 (6): 580-588
Research Article
Highly Sensitive Protein Sensor Based on Thermally-Reduced Graphene Oxide Field-Effect Transistor
Published: 21 May 2011
2011, 4 (10): 921-930
Research Article
Drain-engineered carbon-nanotube-film field-effect transistors with high performance and ultra-low current leakage
Published: 16 November 2019
2020, 13 (7): 1875-1881
Research Article | Open Access
Projected Performance Advantage of Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbons as a Transistor Channel Material
Published: 05 March 2010
2010, 3 (1): 8-15
Total 16