Nano Biomedicine and Engineering Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Daxiang Cui
Keyword: Silver island films
Research Article | Open Access
Ultra-Rapid Crystallization of L-Alanine Using Monomode Microwaves, Indium Tin Oxide and Metal-Assisted and Microwave-Accelerated Evaporative Crystallization
Published: 27 May 2017
2017, 9 (2): 112-123
Research Article | Open Access
Crystallization of Lysozyme on Metal Surfaces Using a Monomode Microwave System
Published: 28 April 2016
2016, 8 (2): 60-71
Research Article | Open Access
Rapid and Sensitive Detection of p53 Based on DNA-Protein Binding Interactions Using Silver Nanoparticle Films and Microwave Heating
Published: 10 November 2014
2014, 6 (3): 76-84
Research Article | Open Access
Circular Bioassay Platforms for Applications in Microwave-Accelerated Techniques
Published: 02 December 2014
2014, 6 (4): 85-93
Research Article | Open Access
Enhancement of the Chemiluminescence Response of Enzymatic Reactions by Plasmonic Surfaces for Biosensing Applications
Published: 15 September 2015
2015, 7 (3): 92-101
Article | Open Access
Plasmon-Enhanced Enzymatic Reactions 2:Optimization of Enzyme Activity by Surface Modification of Silver Island Films with Biotin-Poly (Ethylene-glycol)-Amine
Published: 31 March 2012
2012, 4 (1): 23-28
Article | Open Access
Rapid crystallization of glycine using metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: the effect of engineered surfaces and sample volume
Published: 30 September 2012
2012, 4 (3): 125-131
Article | Open Access
Plasmon-Enhanced Enzymatic Reactions: A Study of Nanoparticle-Enzyme Distanceand Nanoparticle Loading-Dependent Enzymatic Activity
Published: 30 September 2011
2011, 3 (3): 184-191
Article | Open Access
Quantitative Comparison of Protein Surface Coverage on Glass Slides and Silver Island Films in Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence-based Biosensing Applications
Published: 02 October 2010
2010, 2 (3): 165-170
Article | Open Access
Rapid and Sensitive Colorimetric ELISA using Silver Nanoparticles, Microwaves and Split Ring Resonator Structures
Published: 02 October 2010
2010, 2 (3): 155-164
Total 10