Open Access Research Article Issue
Efficient participating media rendering with differentiable regularization
Computational Visual Media 2024, 10(5): 937-948
Published: 07 October 2024
Abstract PDF (5.6 MB) Collect

Highly scattering media, such as milk, skin, and clouds, are common in the real world. Rendering participating media is challenging, especially for high-order scattering dominant media, because the light may undergo a large number of scattering events before leaving the surface. Monte Carlo-based methods typically require a long time to produce noise-free results. Based on the observation that low-albedo media contain less noise than high-albedo media, we propose reducing the variance of the rendered results using differentiable regularization. We first render an image with low-albedo participating media together with the gradient with respect to the albedo, and then predict the final rendered image with a low-albedo image and gradient image via a novel prediction function. To achieve high quality, we also consider the gradients of neighboring frames to provide a noise-free gradient image. Ultimately, our method can produce results with much less overall error than equal-time path tracing methods.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Real-time all-frequency global illumination with radiance caching
Computational Visual Media 2024, 10(5): 923-936
Published: 21 September 2024
Abstract PDF (8 MB) Collect

Global illumination (GI) plays a crucial role in rendering realistic results for virtual exhibitions, such as virtual car exhibitions. These scenarios usually include all-frequency bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs), although their geometries and light configurations may be static. Rendering all-frequency BRDFs in real time remains challenging due to the complex light transport. Existing approaches, including precomputed radiance transfer, light probes, and the most recent path-tracing-based approaches (ReSTIR PT), cannot satisfy both quality and performance requirements simultaneously. Herein, we propose a practical hybrid global illumination approach that combines ray tracing and cached GI by caching the incoming radiance with wavelets. Our approach can produce results close to those of offline renderers at the cost of only approximately 17 ms at runtime and is robust over all-frequency BRDFs. Our approach is designed for applications involving static lighting and geometries, such as virtual exhibitions.

Open Access Review Article Issue
A survey on rendering homogeneous participating media
Computational Visual Media 2022, 8(2): 177-198
Published: 06 December 2021
Abstract PDF (2.9 MB) Collect

Participating media are frequent in real-world scenes, whether they contain milk, fruit juice, oil, or muddy water in a river or the ocean. Incoming light interacts with these participating media in complex ways: refraction at boundaries and scattering and absorption inside volumes. The radiative transfer equation is the key to solving this problem. There are several categories of rendering methods which are all based on this equation, but using different solutions. In this paper, we introduce these groups, which include volume density estimation based approaches, virtual point/ray/beam lights, point based approaches, Monte Carlo based approaches, acceleration techniques, accurate single scattering methods, neural network based methods, and spatially-correlated participating media related methods. As well as discussing these methods, we consider the challenges and open problems in this research area.

Regular Paper Issue
Denoising Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping Renderings Using a Multi-Residual Network
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2020, 35(3): 506-521
Published: 29 May 2020
Abstract Collect

Stochastic progressive photon mapping (SPPM) is one of the important global illumination methods in computer graphics. It can simulate caustics and specular-diffuse-specular lighting effects efficiently. However, as a biased method, it always suffers from both bias and variance with limited iterations, and the bias and the variance bring multi-scale noises into SPPM renderings. Recent learning-based methods have shown great advantages on denoising unbiased Monte Carlo (MC) methods, but have not been leveraged for biased ones. In this paper, we present the first learning-based method specially designed for denoising-biased SPPM renderings. Firstly, to avoid conflicting denoising constraints, the radiance of final images is decomposed into two components: caustic and global. These two components are then denoised separately via a two-network framework. In each network, we employ a novel multi-residual block with two sizes of filters, which significantly improves the model’s capabilities, and makes it more suitable for multi-scale noises on both low-frequency and high-frequency areas. We also present a series of photon-related auxiliary features, to better handle noises while preserving illumination details, especially caustics. Compared with other state-of-the-art learning-based denoising methods that we apply to this problem, our method shows a higher denoising quality, which could efficiently denoise multi-scale noises while keeping sharp illuminations.

Open Access Research Article Issue
A detail preserving neural network model for Monte Carlo denoising
Computational Visual Media 2020, 6(2): 157-168
Published: 02 April 2020
Abstract PDF (1.1 MB) Collect

Monte Carlo based methods such as path tracing are widely used in movie production. To achieve low noise, they require many samples per pixel, resulting in long rendering time. To reduce the cost, one solution is Monte Carlo denoising, which renders the image with fewer samples per pixel (as little as 128) and then denoises the resulting image. Many Monte Carlo denoising methods rely on deep learning: they use convolutional neural networks to learn the relationship between noisy images and reference images, using auxiliary features such as position and normal together with image color as inputs. The network predicts kernels which are then applied to the noisy input. These methods show powerful denoising ability, but tend to lose geometric or lighting details and to blur sharp features during denoising.

Open Access Research Article Issue
A practical path guiding method for participating media
Computational Visual Media 2020, 6(1): 37-51
Published: 23 March 2020
Abstract PDF (1.2 MB) Collect

Rendering translucent materials is costly: light transport algorithms need to simulate a large number of scattering events inside the material before reaching convergence. The cost is especially high for materials with a large albedo or a small mean-free-path, where higher-order scattering effects dominate. In simple terms, the paths get lost in the medium. Path guiding has been proposed for surface rendering to make convergence faster by guiding the sampling process. In this paper, we introduce a path guiding solution for translucent materials. We learn an adaptive approximate representation of the radiance distribution in the volume and use it to sample the scattering direction, combining it with phase function sampling by resampled importance sampling. The proposed method significantly improves the performance of light transport simulation in participating media, especially for small lights and media with refractive boundaries. Our method can handle any homogeneous participating medium, with high or low scattering, with high or low absorption, and from isotropic to highly anisotropic.

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