Open Access Research Article Issue
Simultaneous achievement of large electrocaloric effect and ultra-wide operating temperature range in BaTiO3-based lead-free ceramic
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2024, 13(8): 1234-1241
Published: 30 August 2024
Abstract PDF (12.9 MB) Collect

The electrocaloric effect (ECE), known for its environmentally friendly characteristics, holds significant promise for advancing next-generation solid-state refrigeration technologies. Achieving a large ECE along with a wide working temperature range near room temperature remains a key developmental goal. In this study, we successfully obtained a substantial ECE of 1.78 K and an extensive working temperature range of 103 K (ΔT > 1.52 K) near room temperature in CaZrO3-modified BaTiO3 lead-free ferroelectric ceramics. Furthermore, this achievement was verified using direct methods. The piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) results suggest that the broad temperature range is attributed to the formation of ferroelectric microdomains and polar nanoregions (PNRs). Furthermore, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultraviolet‒visible (UV‒Vis) spectroscopy reveal a decrease in the oxygen vacancy concentration and an increase in the bandgap for higher CaZrO3 doping levels. These changes synergistically enhance the maximum applied electric field, helping to achieve a high-performance ECE near room temperature. This research presents a straightforward and effective approach for achieving high-performance ECEs in BaTiO3 lead-free ceramics, offering promising prospects for application in next-generation solid-state refrigeration technologies.

Open Access Issue
Giant electrocaloric effect in BiFeO3 and La codoped PbZr0.7Ti0.3O3 epitaxial thin films in a broad temperature range
Journal of Materiomics 2022, 8(1): 156-165
Published: 30 April 2021
Abstract Collect

Ferroelectric thin/thick films with large electrocaloric (EC) effect are critical for solid state cooling technologies. Here, large positive EC effects with two EC peaks in a broad temperature range (~100 K) were obtained in 0.95Pb0.92La0.08(Zr0.70Ti0.30)0.98O3-0.05BiFeO3 (BFOLa-codoped PZT) epitaxial thin films deposited on the (100), (110) and (111) oriented SrTiO3 (STO) substrates by a sol-gel method. The thin film deposited on the (111) oriented STO substrate exhibited a stronger EC effect (~20.6 K at 1956 kV/cm) near room temperature. However, the thin films deposited on the (100) and (110) oriented STO substrates exhibited a stronger EC effect (~18.8 K at 1852 kV/cm and ~20.8 K at 1230 kV/cm, respectively) around the peak of the dielectric permittivity (Tm, ~375 K). Particularly, as the direction of the applied electric field was switched (E < 0), the ΔT of the (100)-oriented thin films around Tm was enhanced significantly from 18.8 K to 38.1 K. The self-induced-poling during the preparing process maybe plays a key role on the magic phenomenon. It can be concluded that the BFOLa-codoped PZT epitaxial thin films are promising candidates for application in the next solid-state cooling devices.

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