Journal of Electrochemistry Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Shi-gang SUN
Home Journal of Electrochemistry


  • Journal of Electrochemistry (J.Electrochem.) is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly publication in the area of electrochemistry including but not limited to the following fields:

    • Electrochemical Energy
    • Corrosion
    • Electrocatalysis
    • Theories and Modeling
    • Spectroelectrochemistry and Methodology
    • Electroanalysis and Sensors
    • Electrodeposition and Manufacture
    • Surface and Interface

    Types of Articles:

    The types of articles considered are:

    1. Articles: Articles most appropriate for publication in J.Electrochem. are those that deal with some phase of "pure"; electrochemistry as distinguished from “applied” electrochemistry, yet not all manuscripts that describe well-executed work can be accepted. Articles of high scientific quality, originality, significance, and conceptual novelty that are of interest to the wide and diverse contemporary readership of J.Electrochem. will be given priority for publication. Papers that draw conclusions from the treatment of existing data must also include significant new data and make new experimental or theoretical predictions of broad interest. Articles which mainly expand findings that were previously published as Communications in J.Electrochem. or elsewhere and which only incorporate experimental data, without greatly expanded scope and without providing new insights or conceptual breakthroughs, will be declined.
    2. Reviews: Reviews in J.Electrochem., written by leading experts, summarize the important results of recent research on topical subjects in all branches of electrochemistry, point to unresolved problems, and discuss possible developments. Although review articles are generally written upon invitation of the editor, unsolicited manuscripts are also welcome provided they are in keeping with the character of the journal. Authors should have published articles in the field. The references for a Review should be more than 100.
    3. Communications: Communications are restricted to reports of unusual urgency, timeliness, significance, and broad interest. A brief statement explaining how the manuscript meets the criteria of urgency and significance should be included in the author’s cover letter. It is desirable that the principal conclusions be stated in the opening sentences of the manuscript. The submission of multiple Communications on the same or closely related topics within a short period of time is not an acceptable means of publishing a body of work that is too large for a single Communication. Such work should be described in the format of an Article. The major concepts must not have appeared previously as a report or publication. If a previous Communication by the same author(s) has already appeared and the present manuscript describes a technical improvement or increase in the scope of the work, it will not be accepted in the absence of a novel conceptual advance. A Communication must convey the scientific findings concisely in abstract, main text, and graphical elements as determined by word count not exceeding 2500 words, including titles/footnotes/captions of approximately five graphics. References are not included in word count to allow article titles to be included at submission. All graphics and tables must be placed near the point of first mention in the text of the manuscript (not grouped at the end of the document) and must be sized according to current guidance. Long notes are not permitted in the References section; information not directly germane to the Communication can be included as Supporting Information.
    4. Perspectives: Perspectives are personal reviews of a field or area, and they are focused rather than comprehensive. Perspective authors are asked to assess the current status of the field with an emphasis toward identifying key advances being made or those advances that are needed, and with an eye to the future. The J.Electrochem. Perspective should touch base with the current literature, including key contributors and references, but will primarily serve to inspire and help direct future research efforts. Authors may be invited by the Editor to submit Perspectives. Authors interested in submitting a Perspective are strongly encouraged to contact the Editor prior to manuscript preparation and submission, to seek conditional approval of the proposed topic. Perspectives should be no more than 8,000 words, including the abstract, main text, and figure captions.
    5. Protocols: Authors may be invited by the Editor to submit Protocols. Protocols should be written in Chinese, with 3000-6,000 words, including the principle, experimental instruments, experimental procedure, results and discussions.
    6. Editorials: Starting in 2019, Editorials contributions come from internationally renowned chemists or other scientists, for example, members of the Editorial Board of J.Electrochem., who discuss topics such as research politics, the relationship of chemistry and society, and chemical education. The authors present their own personal views, which do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial office.

    View Aims and Scope

  • Editor-in-Chief: Shi-gang SUN

    View Editorial Board

  • 2.9

    CiteScore (2023)