Journal of Materiomics Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Jing-Feng Li, Samuel S. Mao, Cewen Nan
Keyword: piezoelectric properties
Open Access
Revealing structure behavior behind the piezoelectric performance of prototype lead-free Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–BaTiO3 under in-situ electric field
Published: 13 August 2022
2022, 8 (6): 1104-1112
Research paper | Open Access
Tetragonal (Ba, Ca) (Zr, Ti)O3 textured ceramics with enhanced piezoelectric response and superior temperature stability
Published: 02 September 2021
2022, 8 (2): 366-374
Research Article | Open Access
Temperature-insensitive KNN-based ceramics by elevating O-T phase transition temperature and crystal texture
Published: 15 November 2022
2023, 9 (2): 261-268
Research Article | Open Access
Size effects of polydopamine-coated BaTiO3 nanoparticles on the piezoelectric performance of P(VDF-TrFE)/BaTiO3 composite
Published: 05 November 2023
2024, 10 (4): 857-869
Total 4