Despite the remarkable ion-hosting capability of MXenes, their electrochemical performance is restricted to the ion shuttle barrier stemming from the capacious surface and the sluggish chemical activity of intrinsic transition metal layers. Herein, we construct a vertically aligned array of V2CTX flakes utilizing a carbon sphere template (V2CTX@CS), with the interlayer galleries outward facing the external electrolyte, to shorten the diffusion length and mitigate the ion shuttle barrier. Moreover, we leverage the high sensitivity of V2CTX flakes to the water–oxygen environment, fully activating the masked active sites of transition metal layers in an aqueous environment via continuous electrochemical scanning. Aqueous V2CTX@CS/Zn battery delivers a novel capacity enhancement over 42,000 cycles at 10 A g−1. After activation, the capacity reaches up to 409 mAh gV2CTX−1 at 0.5 A g−1 and remains at 122 mAh gV2CTX−1 at 18 A g−1. With a 0.95-V voltage plateau, the energy density of 330.4 Wh kgV2CTX−1 surpasses previous records of aqueous MXene electrodes.
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MAX phases and its derived two-dimensional MXenes have attracted considerable interest because of their rich structural chemistry and multifunctional applications. Lewis acid molten salt route provides an opportunity for structure design and performance manipulation of new MAX phases and MXenes, Although a series of new MAX phases and MXenes were successfully prepared via Lewis acid melt route in recent years, few work is explored on nitride MAX phases and MXenes. Herein, a new copper-based 413-type Ti4CuN3 MAX phase was synthesized through isomorphous replacement reaction using Ti4AlN3 MAX phase precursor in molten CuCl2. In addition, it was found that at high temperature Ti4N3Clx MXene will transform into two-dimensional cubic TiNα nanosheets with improved structural stability.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding materials have received considerable attention in recent years. The EMI shielding effectiveness (SE) of materials depends on not only their composition but also their microstructures. Among various microstructure prototypes, porous structures provide the advantages of low density and high terahertz wave absorption. In this study, by using carbonised wood (CW) as a template, 1-mm-thick MAX@CW composites (Ti2AlC@CW, V2AlC@CW, and Cr2AlC@CW) with a porous structure were fabricated through the molten salt method. The MAX@CW composites led to the formation of a conductive network and multilayer interface, which resulted in improved EMI SE. The average EMI SE values of the three MAX@CW composites were > 45 dB in the frequency of 0.6-1.6 THz. Among the composites, V2AlC@CW exhibited the highest average EMI SE of 55 dB.

Single-phase Y4Al2O9 (YAM) powders were synthesized via solid-state reaction starting from nano-sized Al2O3 and Y2O3. Fully dense (99.5%) bulk YAM ceramics were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1800 ℃. We demonstrated the excellent damage tolerance and good machinability of YAM ceramics. Such properties are attributed to the easy slipping along the weakly bonded crystallographic planes, resulting in multiple energy dissipation mechanisms such as transgranular fracture, shear slipping and localized grain crushing.