Mycology Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Xingzhong Liu, Prof. Lei Cai
Home Mycology Keyword
Keyword: Fungi
Review | Open Access
Rock-inhabiting fungi: terminology, diversity, evolution and adaptation mechanisms
Published: 27 December 2021
2022, 13 (1): 1-31
Research Article | Open Access
Characterisation of two unique sesquiterpenoids from Trichoderma hypoxylon
Published: 12 August 2021
2022, 13 (1): 32-38
Review | Open Access
Recent Developments in Industrial Mycozymes: A Current Appraisal
Published: 16 September 2021
2022, 13 (2): 81-105
Research Article | Open Access
Isolation, screening, preliminary optimisation and characterisation of thermostable xylanase production under submerged fermentation by fungi in Durban, South Africa
Published: 20 June 2022
2022, 13 (4): 271-292
Review | Open Access
Calcium signaling is involved in diverse cellular processes in fungi
Published: 14 July 2020
2021, 12 (1): 10-24
Review | Open Access
In vitro interactions between the ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus tinctorius and the saprotroph Hypholoma fasciculare fungi: morphological aspects and volatile production
Published: 27 February 2021
2021, 12 (3): 216-229
Review | Open Access
Fungal communities in bat guano, speleothem surfaces, and cavern water in Madai cave, Northern Borneo (Malaysia)
Published: 25 January 2021
2021, 12 (3): 188-202
Review | Open Access
Antimicrobial properties of marine fungi from sponges and brown algae of Mauritius
Published: 22 April 2021
2021, 12 (4): 231-244
Review | Open Access
Current insights into fungal species diversity and perspective on naming the environmental DNA sequences of fungi
Published: 07 May 2019
2019, 10 (3): 127-140
Original Article | Open Access
Experimental design of response surface methodology used for utilisation of palm kernel cake as solid substrate for optimised production of fungal mannanase
Published: 12 September 2016
2016, 7 (3): 143-153
Total 15