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ALLActinidesAluminum compoundsAmmonium hydroxideAntimony compoundsArsenicc ompoundsBarium titanateBimetalsBismuth compoundsBoric acidBoride coatingsBoridesBoronBoron compoundsBromine compoundsCadmium compoundsCalcium fluorideCerium compoundsCesium compoundsChlorinationChlorine compoundsChromium compoundsCobalt compoundsCobalt depositsCopper compoundsCyanidesEuropium compoundsFluorine compoundsGadolinium compoundsGallium compoundsGermanium compoundsGold compoundsHafnium compoundsIndium antimonidesIndium arsenideIndium compoundsInorganic compoundsIntermetallicsIron compoundsLanthanum compoundsLead compoundsLead titanateLithium compoundsMagnesium compoundsMagnettiteManganese compoundsMetal complexesMetal halidesMolybdenum compoundsNickel compoundsNiobium compoundsNitratesNitrobenzeneOxidesPalladium compoundsPerovskitePlatinum compoundsPotassiumPotassium compoundsPotassium hydroxideRefractory metal compoundsRhenium compoundsRhodium compoundsRuthenium compoundsSelenium compoundsSilicon compoundsSilver compoundsSodium AluminateSodium borateSodium BorohydrideSodium compoundsSodium hydroxideStrontium compoundsSulfur compoundsTantalum compoundsTellurium compoundsThorium compoundsTin compoundsTitanium compoundsTransitionmetal compoundsTungsten compoundsUranium compoundsVanadium compoundsZinc compoundsZinc SelenideZirconium compounds
Research Article
Hierarchical porous molybdenum carbide synergic morphological engineering towards broad multi-band tunable microwave absorption
Published: 12 September 2024
Research Article
Modulating magnetic interface layer on porous carbon heterostructures for efficient microwave absorption
Published: 03 September 2024
Research Article
Theoretical study on anomalous thermal expansion of two AB2-type compounds
Published: 22 August 2024
Review Article
Preparation technologies for polymer composites with high-directional thermal conductivity: A review
Published: 20 August 2024
Research Article
rGO aerogel embedded with organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite for lightweight broadband electromagnetic wave absorption
Published: 06 August 2024
Review Article
Synthesis and modification of nanowires anchored on electrodes for electrochemical and electrophysical applications
Published: 16 July 2024
Research Article
Pd/N-doped carbon dots@dendritic mesoporous silica nanospheres: A highly efficient catalyst for the hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol
Published: 12 July 2024
2024, 17 (9)
Research Article
Multidimensional hollow SiO2/C nanofibers modified by magnetic nanocrystals for electromagnetic energy conversion and lithium battery storage
Published: 01 June 2024
2024, 17 (8)
Review Article
Materials design and preparation of ultrathin two-dimensional metal halide perovskites
Published: 25 April 2024
2024, 17 (7)
Research Article
Defect engineered nickel hydroxide nanosheets for advanced pseudocapacitor electrodes
Published: 23 February 2024
2024, 17 (6)
Total 490