Avian Research Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Fumin Lei
Home Avian Research All Issues Volume 15 Issue 2
Volume 15 Issue 2, June 2024
20 articles
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Research Article | Open Access
Weak influence of natural vegetation in urban green spaces compared to agricultural ecosystems on House Martin populations: Insights from nationwide citizen science data in the Czech Republic
Published: 01 June 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100186
Research Article | Open Access
Proximity to corridors benefits bird communities in vegetated interrow vineyards in Mendoza, Argentina
Published: 16 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100174
Research Article | Open Access
Weather influenced nestling growth of an insectivorous but not a granivorous grassland passerine in Argentina
Published: 09 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100173
Research Article | Open Access
Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient
Published: 11 March 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100170
Research Article | Open Access
Seasonal changes in Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus) song syntax
Published: 15 March 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100171
Research Article | Open Access
Avian responses to an extreme weather event: The case of the 'Filomena' snowstorm in Madrid (central Spain)
Published: 28 March 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100172
Research Article | Open Access
Distributional and behavioral responses of the wintering Oriental Storks to drought in China's largest freshwater lake
Published: 18 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100176
Research Article | Open Access
The influence of wing morphology upon intraspecific divergence in birds: A global study of subspecies richness
Published: 04 June 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100188
Research Article | Open Access
Changes in the adult sex ratio of six duck species breeding populations over two decades
Published: 05 June 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100187
Research Article | Open Access
Use of evergreen and deciduous plants by nocturnal-roosting birds: A case study in Beijing
Published: 26 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100177
Research Article | Open Access
Shallow sub-lakes are essential for sustaining the successful wintering of waterbirds in Poyang Lake, China
Published: 27 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100178
Research Article | Open Access
Annual variation of adult survival of a south-temperate House Wren population in Argentina
Published: 06 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100180
Research Article | Open Access
Structural effects of reedbed grazing and its cessation on reed-nesting songbird densities
Published: 18 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100182
Research Article | Open Access
Detour for the inexperienced? Migration count data suggest mostly juvenile Greater Spotted Eagles appear in coastal peninsulas in China
Published: 29 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100183
Research Article | Open Access
Integrating host biological and ecological variables to predict probability of haemosporidian infection in raptors
Published: 31 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100185
Research Article | Open Access
Inbreeding and genetic load in a pair of sibling grouse species: Tetrastes sewersowi and T. bonasia
Published: 29 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100184
Research Article | Open Access
Development and parentage analysis of SNP markers for Chestnut-vented Nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis) based on ddRAD-seq data
Published: 06 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100179
Research Article | Open Access
Comparative analysis of the microbiome of sympatric wintering Bean Geese, Domestic Ducks, humans, and soil at Shengjin Lake of China reveals potential public risk to human health
Published: 18 April 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100175
Research Article | Open Access
The effect of Common Cuckoo parasitism on the annual productivity of a host population
Published: 07 May 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100181
Research Article | Open Access
Nest decoration: Black feathers prevent Crested Mynas from nest usurpation
Published: 10 June 2024
2024, 15 (2): 100189